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Is Donating Plasma Safe? The Risks and Rewards ...

Is donating plasma safe? Find out how plasma is used to treat life-threatening conditions, what the plasmapheresis process entails for first-time donors, and how to avoid both common side effects and rare complications that may arise from plasma donation.

Vitamin E for Fatty Liver Disease: Can It Reall...

As modern ills such as elevated cholesterol, obesity, and type 2 diabetes continue to climb, so, too, do rates of fatty liver. Researchers are constantly searching for new ways to stem the ballooning tide of cases. And one method that's recently received a lot of attention is vitamin E therapy. But does it really work?

Shoulder Blade Pain: Potential Causes, Treatmen...

Learn about the potential causes of shoulder blade pain, the underlying medical conditions it could be a symptom of (from injury to cancer to heart attack), when you should see a doctor, and how you can treat and prevent this pain going forward.

Enlarged Liver: Symptoms, Causes, Complications...

Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for an enlarged liver, how to best avoid liver damage, and when to seek professional medical care. The liver is the top detox organ in the body with a unique ability to heal and regenerate...if you stop the danger in time.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Fatty Liver: Is It a Sa...

According to proponents, regularly flushing your system with apple cider vinegar can improve your digestion, boost your immune system, and aid in the detoxification work of your liver and kidneys. Some go so far as to say that, when consumed daily, apple cider vinegar can help prevent or reverse fatty liver disease. Let's see what the science says.

Functions of Insulin in the Body: Good Guy or B...

The functions of insulin in the body are widely misunderstood. In this article, we will explore the actions of insulin on a cellular level to gain a better appreciation for all it does as well as a clearer understanding of how to keep this hormone functioning in balance and at its optimal capacity.

T-Lymphocytes: How Your T-Cells Save Your Life

You may have heard vaguely about the importance of T-lymphocyte or T-cells in your immune system, but how do they function? Find out how closely linked amino acids like glutamine, methionine, and leucine are to your immune system response and the utilization of T-lymphocyte cells to fight diseases and cancer.

Breaking Down the Organic Acid Test, Step by Step

By measuring levels of over 70 metabolites, the organic acid test allows individuals to better understand their overall health. The OAT can help identify the underlying causes of frustrating health issues, thereby forming the foundation for the creation of a highly individualized treatment plan.

Kidney Pain After Drinking Alcohol: How Worried...

What causes kidney pain after drinking alcohol? How dangerous is kidney pain and does it require a trip to the doctor? We have the details on how alcohol affects your kidneys, and what health conditions may arise from excessive drinking.