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Recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A 9-S...

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating long-term illness, yet its cause remains a mystery. Chronic fatigue sufferers often experience extreme fatigue, pain, and sensory issues that can prevent them from performing simple daily tasks, like getting out of bed. Here’s a 9-step plan for chronic fatigue recovery.

Stroke Recovery: How to Spot a Stroke and Tips ...

A stroke occurs when blood flow to part of the brain is cut off or reduced. Can amino acid supplements help during stroke recovery? The latest research shows promising results regarding the effects of amino acids on patients during exercise and recovery.

Maintaining Muscle When You’re Sick or Injured:...

Muscle loss is accelerated in response to serious illness or injury, and that can have a direct impact on your recovery, which is why maintaining muscle mass when you're sick is so very important. Essential amino acids can help reverse muscle loss associated with illness, injury, or high stress levels, and help accelerate recovery.

The Most Detrimental Side Effect of Bed Rest? M...

Bed rest causes muscle loss, reduced leg strength, and decreased muscle fiber function. Bed rest also induces a variety of metabolic problems, including insulin resistance and increased fat within muscle cells. Learn how essential amino acids can help prevent muscle loss during bed rest.

Amino Acids and Gaining “Good” Weight After Ser...

Recovery almost inevitably involves regaining the weight that was lost. It is important that the regained weight is largely muscle, and that you don’t replace the muscle you lost with new fat. The key to gaining good weight is optimal amino acid nutrition.