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Amino Acids

How Your Brain Communicates: Brain Neurotransmi...

If you’ve ever wondered how your brain communicates, come with us as we journey through the realm of brain neurotransmitters and the amino acids that fuel them.

How Many Grams of Amino Acids Do You Need a Day?

The ideal daily dose of amino acids varies based on factors such as your physical size, body weight, lean body mass, activity level, and so on. Before exploring how those factors affect how many grams of amino acids you need in a day, let's review why you need amino acids to begin with.

A Beginner's Guide to Amino Acids and Growth Ho...

Growth hormone sparks growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. It has many beneficial properties, including lowering fat mass and increasing muscle mass and strength. Results in humans, however, are inconsistent. A greater understanding of amino acids and growth hormone may be the key to advancing growth hormone therapy.

Amino Acid Side Effects: More Isn’t Necessarily...

Amino acids are naturally occurring compounds that are safe for consumption, both in the foods we eat and the amino acid supplements we take. Amino acid side effects have emerged when supplements are consumed in too high of doses or in an unbalanced formulation. Learn how to supplement safely.

Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough A...

Your organs, tissues, muscles, and even some hormones are all made of protein, your body’s bricks and mortar. There are 20 amino acids that make up the protein in your body. Because your body cannot store excess amino acids, you need to be eating plenty of them every day. Read on to learn what happens when you don’t get enough amino acids.

What Vegetarians Need to Know About Amino Acids

It can be hard for vegetarians to get complete proteins. While animal products often get held up as the best sources of protein, plant sources can also provide the full range of essential amino acids. So here are 23 top vegan and vegetarian amino acid powerhouse foods to meet your protein needs.

The Essentials of Nonessential Amino Acids

The human body can make nonessential amino acids, so they aren’t essential to our diets, but they are essential to our health. The 11 nonessential amino acids can be resynthesized to build new proteins as needed by the body. They also help produce glucose for use as energy and fatty acids for storing excess calories.

The Low-Down on Conditionally Essential Amino A...

Curious about conditionally essential amino acids? In this article, we’re going to explore this special group of amino acids and uncover everything you need to know about who they are, what they do, and why they’re important to overall health.

The 9 Essential Amino Acids and Why We Need Them

Your body can make many amino acids on its own, but there are 9 essential amino acids you need to eat! Your body uses these amino acids to build the proteins that make up your tissues and organs and regulate the vast majority of physiological functions. Let's cover them one by one.