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How Much Protein Should I Eat? Your Guide to Op...

When it comes to answering the question how much protein should I eat all data suggests protein intake should be greater than the RDA. The RDA for protein is 0.8 grams for every 2.2 pounds of body weight, or 10% of total daily caloric intake. This is the minimal amount of protein you need to avoid losing muscle mass.

BCAA Supplements: Do They Really Work?

So, you’re interested in supplementing with BCAAs. Let's make sure you get the BCAA benefits you’re after. To reap the muscle-building benefits, supplement with an amino acid formula that contains the appropriate concentration of ALL the essential amino acids.

Amino Acids for Women: The Missing Link to Opti...

Everyone’s body needs amino acids to maintain optimum nutrition and overall health. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at amino acids for women and discuss the difference these crucial nutrients can make to your health and your life.

Amino Acids for Men: How Proper Supplementation...

Getting enough amino acids for men is especially important as you age because the body’s ability to use protein sufficiently declines. Anabolic resistance can take effect. The result? Sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss. There are ways to stall sarcopenia. Amino acid supplementation is key.

Everything You Need to Know About Amino Acid Nu...

To understand optimal amino acid nutrition, we must first understand the relationship between proteins and amino acids. Let's learn all about the building blocks of life and how nutrition can help enhance both our quality of life and our longevity.