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What Is BPA and Why Is It Bad for You?

What is BPA and why is it bad for you? We’ll take a closer look at what all the buzz is about and see if you should really avoid BPA at all costs.

Nutrition and Mental Health: How the Food You E...

Science is showing that eating healthy food not only benefits our physical bodies, but is also excellent for our brains. Here’s a look at the link between nutrition and mental health and how the food choices you make influence your mood and emotions.

The Osteoarthritis Diet: Best Foods and Supplem...

About 30 million Americans suffer from painful osteoarthritis. Check out these best and worst foods for osteoarthritis. The osteoarthritis diet even is known to assist in osteoarthritis prevention.

Proven Health Benefits of Caffeine and Coffee

What are the potential benefits of caffeine and coffee consumption? In this article, we’re going to take a look at caffeine and coffee and uncover some of the amazing—and proven—health benefits of each.

Let's Get to Know the Essential Amino Acids in ...

Vegetables normally call to mind vitamins and antioxidants, but let’s not forget the protein component of our favorite and flavorful greens and roots. The essential amino acids in vegetables are crucial to our survival because proteins are needed for most biological processes in our body.

Amino Acids vs. Protein Powder: Which Supplemen...

While amino acids are the victor in the amino acids vs. protein powder debate, it’s not really an either/or situation. Whey protein and amino acids can work synergistically to produce superior results. Find out how!

The Best Animal Sources of Essential Amino Acids

Not all animal products contain the same amount of protein—and different cuts of the same meat contain different amounts of amino acids. Each tissue may have a different amino acid composition, determined by the specific function of the organ. So let's find out what are the best animal sources of amino acids!

Are You Getting Enough Sulfur?

Sulfur is the 3rd most copious mineral in the body, hanging out mostly in our bones, skin, and muscles. According to a recent review, a significant proportion of the population isn’t getting enough sulfur, especially seniors. In this article we're helping you up your sulfur intake.

Do You Need to Take Amino Acid Supplements?

Essential amino acids are the only macronutrients required for survival. A normal diet containing high-quality proteins should deliver adequate amounts of essential amino acids to meet minimal requirements. However, amino acid supplements can provide benefits not achievable with even high-quality protein food sources.