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Dietary Protein or Amino Acid Supplements: Whic...

Which is better—dietary protein or amino acid supplements? There are a number of factors to consider when answering this question. And we've got them all here.

Amino Acids: The Fatal Flaw in the Alkaline Diet

The alkaline diet is based on the premise that acidic blood causes all sorts of health problems that can be countered by eating more alkaline foods. Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Eating too many alkaline foods and not enough acidic foods may lead to amino acid nutritional deficiencies that can have disastrous consequences on your health.

How to Optimize Essential Amino Acid Intake Whi...

Even if you've looked into the best sources of vegan protein, you may not be taking in all the essential amino acids that your body needs. Read on to ensure you get a steady supply of essential amino acids in the proper ratios for optimal health.

Eating for Brain Health: Learn How Amino Acids ...

A well-fed brain is able to process information, remember, learn, focus, and maintain an active mind. The food we eat can greatly enhance the health and capabilities of our brains, especially as we age. Optimal eating for brain health depends on protein-rich foods full of brain-boosting nutrients called amino acids.

The Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods Everyone Shoul...

When health experts speak of an “anti-inflammatory diet,” they hope to help people who suffer from chronic inflammation, but all can benefit from anti-inflammatory nutrients. Eating anti-inflammatory foods protects against certain diseases and slows the aging process. Here are the best anti-inflammatory foods to eat.

9 Scientifically Validated Benefits of Amino Ac...

When it comes to reaching your athletic goals and keeping your health optimized, amino acid supplements are the one nutrient booster you don’t want to go without. Their impact on muscle and mind benefit active individuals who want to maximize performance and strength gains, and people looking to enhance wellness.

Foods High in Amino Acids: Eating for Optimal H...

Amino acids make up a central component of nutrition, regardless of our chosen diet. Foods high in amino acids contain all nine essential amino acids, and for this reason, they are called complete protein foods. So, what foods have the amino acids our bodies need?

The Truth About Complementary Proteins

Combine two incomplete proteins together and you have a complementary protein that contains a sufficient amount of essential amino acids. Or does it? Just because two proteins are complementary doesn’t necessarily mean that the combination becomes a high-quality protein. Here's what you need to know.

What Types of Protein Should I Eat?

In this article, we’re delving into the different types of protein and discuss how much protein, as well as which protein sources, you should be including in your diet to ensure you’re getting the protein intake your body needs to maintain overall health.