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The Top 10 Nutrients and Vitamins for Muscle Re...

What are the top 10 nutrients and vitamins for post-workout muscle recovery? Which foods contain them naturally, and who should supplement where? This article answers all your questions about vitamins for muscle recovery.

Pulled and Torn Calf Muscle Recovery Time: How ...

This article has details on how to rest the injured area, how long it takes for pulled or torn calf muscle recovery time, and how to strengthen the back of the lower leg to avoid reinjury going forward.

Body Repair After Quitting Drinking: How to Nat...

What is involved in body repair after quitting drinking, and what can you do to help support recovery and detox? Find out how to minimize withdrawal symptoms and recover better from excessive alcohol use.

Is It Possible to Reverse Liver Cirrhosis Natur...

How serious is liver cirrhosis, what causes it, and is it possible to reverse? Find out about how to cope with liver cirrhosis naturally.

Pulled Chest Muscle: Symptoms, Causes and Treat...

Chest pain could mean anything from a heart attack to a pulled chest muscle: learn the symptoms of muscle strain to better identify it, and discover the best ways to treat and prevent this injury in the future.

What Does It Take to Detox from Alcohol?

Find out when drinking becomes an addiction, learn the symptoms of severe alcohol withdrawal, and discover how to detox safely at home if you can't afford inpatient treatment.

Tight Lower Back Discomfort: What Causes It, Pl...

If you have tightness and pain in your lower back, the first thing you want to do is identify the cause, and then you want to stretch out and strengthen the area. This article has information and advice on both topics.

Trigger Point Injections: What They Are, When T...

Find out how trigger point injections work, what the procedure entails, and what the post-procedural care requires. This treatment option for myofascial pain syndrome could help restore your quality of life.

How to Speed up MCL Surgery Recovery: Top 5 Tips

Learn about what makes the medial collateral ligament in your knee vulnerable, and use these MCL surgery recovery tips to get back in the game as quickly as possible.