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Understanding Autophagy: Loose Skin, Chronic Di...

Maximize the ability of autophagy, a cellular cleansing process, to prevent loose skin after weight loss, chronic diseases, and even cancer. Read on to learn about the science behind autophagy as well as how it can help those on weight-loss journeys.

Liver Failure Death: Causes, Symptoms and Stages

What are the causes and symptoms of acute and chronic liver failure? How is liver damage diagnosed? Prevented? What are the stages that lead to liver failure death? Find out here.

End-Stage Alcoholism: The Signs and Symptoms of...

Learn about the progressing stages of alcoholism and what end-stage alcohol addiction looks like. Recognizing these symptoms in a family member or loved one could help save his or her life.

Pain Behind Knee When Walking: Top 10 Possible ...

Pain behind your knee could be due to an injury or to dangerous medical conditions that need immediate attention. Find out what the symptoms you're experiencing could mean.

Thumb Knuckle Pain: The Top 6 Possible Causes

Thumb knuckle pain: what does it mean when you have unexplained pain in your thumb pad, lower joint, or knuckle? Find out what could be the underlying cause and how to get relief.

Tendonitis Foot Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Solu...

Pain in your foot could be due to any number of tendonitis issues: find out the locations of the main tendons in your foot, the common causes of tendon inflammation, and how best to treat these injuries.

Tendinitis of the Wrist: Causes, Symptoms and S...

Tendinitis of the wrist can be severe and debilitating, and depending on its cause, treatment options range from stretching exercises to surgery. Find out what can lead to wrist tendinitis and how to prevent it from worsening.

Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD): Causes, Sympt...

Degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a chronic condition that cannot be cured but can be managed to help preserve the joint health you still have before it's too far gone. Let's take a look at the causes, symptoms, and treatments.

SI Joint Pain: How to Identify and Relieve Sacr...

SI joint pain: find out if your lower back pain is coming from your sacroiliac joints, what causes this pain, and what treatment options are available to relieve it.